Choose a Zodiac Word Scramble Puzzle

A word scramble puzzle can also be called a word jumble,anagram or just mixed-up sentences.

You are sure to be amused while you try to unscramble the letters/ words/words and letters in our zodiac word scramble puzzles.

These word puzzles use; random character traits of zodiac signs (Scrambled).

All you have to do is straighten out the words and fix the sentence and viola, a sentence that tells of characteristics of a particular zodiac sign.

How should you try to figure out the best way to solve our word scrambles?

Well first you have to pick a puzzle.

On this page we will add the easiest puzzles and the hardest. If you choose an easier zodiac scramble puzzle, you will see that only the words are mixed up and all you have to do is right the sentence.

If you try your hand at the harder puzzles, you will see that the words are scrambled along with the letters in the words; you probably want to try and right the letters in the words first.

Frequently by simply looking at the scrambled letters or words, you will see the answer.

If that doesn't work for you, you can take a more orderly approach to solving the puzzle.

Here are some tips for figuring out a zodiac word scramble puzzle:

Begin with each letter and think over the words that start with that letter. Use sounds from the left over letters that are the right amount of characters.


You could attempt combining two letters as a beginning.

Of course if all else fails and you want to see the solved puzzle but, you don't want to give up and calculate your score thereby seeing the correct sentences, you could always try one of these little things to help you:

Word plays

Author's Note* As you see on the puzzles, there is no usage of capitalization nor punctuation marks; this is on purpose, to make the scrambles harder.

We hope you enjoy these zodiac scramble puzzles. We hope you check on this page whenever you are here to see what's new on it.

Better yet, subscribe to our RSS feed on the left of the page, and you will be sure to know when we have new puzzles for you to try.

Have fun,










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© M.Augustin
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