Libra birthday Rising Sign Table

People with an Libra birthday will find their rising signs here.

Search for the date you were born. To the right of that column look for and find the nearest hour/minute to the time you were born that is before your birth time not after it.

The zodiac sign listed in the box next to it is your rising sign.

Some people, for whatever reason will not know what the exact birth time is. What they should do is try to get a rectification birth chart. An astrologer will be able to do that.

An Astrologer just takes note of the big events in the persons life and this will help to discover what the rising sign is.

Author's Note*

You may be thinking that other tables say you have a different rising sign.***

You may find that the approximated ascendants listed on these tables differ from what professionally made astrology chart says there may be reasons for that.

You have read on our pages that each sign of the zodiac represents 30 degrees on the zodiac circle.

Another thing you should know is that because of the Earth's angle the signs don't ascend in the same amount of time.

So we end up having faster and slower ascendants. If you were born in the Southern hemisphere your particular zodiac sign will take a short amount of time to rise (short ascension).

If you were born in the Northern hemisphere your specific zodiac sign will adopt a slow rise (long ascension).

This rising sign table will work for any year of birth. Use a correct birth time. If not, use your best guess.

Any year estimated/or calculated birth time


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© M.Augustin
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Read about Libra Rising sign

Find out about another Ascendant/rising sign

Read about  Astrology Rising Sign and Sun Sign Mix