Pisces Female -The Mature Attributes and Immature Attributes

On this page you will find the descriptions for Pisces Female Evolved and underdeveloped.

The Mature/Evolved Pisces Female

This Pisces is a feminine woman. She is affectionate and openhearted. She is docile. She has vision that is potent and brilliant.

In her, men find many qualities to attract them; she is lovely to look at, she makes a man feel like a man, she can play the damsel in distress quite well, if she likes.

I say "play" and "if she likes" because honestly, she is totally capable of caring or herself.

Her romantic partner would never know she is "playing", because she can make it seem to him that if he left her, her whole life would fall apart.

This woman needs a man who has as much breadth in vision as she.

She also needs a man she can coddle. A man she can cater to, one who trusts in love and romance, like her.

She can be possessive and at times it causes some problems in her relationship. The good news is; she doesn't let jealousy make her treat her man in ugly ways.

She instead behaves in a way that is so attractive, that her partner feels bad all on his lonesome for making her hurt even for a second.

She loves children and animals, she has a soft spot for any creature that is capable of being wounded or hurt.

The Immature/Underdeveloped Pisces Female

This Pisces woman isn't easily described, for she holds back the other side of herself making it seem she is deceitful.

She isn't very much concerned with cultivating anything that most people reach for. She isn't the most ambitious woman in the zodiac deck.

She has no concern for status or the personal power that comes with it. These mental attitudes afford her no hope for accomplishment, monetary or otherwise.

Due to her zodiac sign she is a pliable person, this is the risk in that; she allows other people who are not in her best interest into her life.

Most of her worries will stem from her penchant to ask others what they think she should do.

One person will tell her; "If I were you, I would do this." Then she will go to another and they will tell her to do something else.

This Pisces woman is drawn to slightly odd things, she also finds odd things repellent. She may even be oddly kinky in bed.

She might have a secret life that she practices while drinking, etcetera.

She might go through inauspicious times that make her life tough to deal with.

She might not be effective at dealing with her finances, she might have debt that she neglects.


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